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CGI - Environment variables

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CGI - Environment variables
 CGI - Environment variables
  When a CGI conforming software is run, the server set differents variables useful for programmers. Here they are. Only the three firsts are always defined whatever the request is.
NameCurrent valueExplanations
SERVER_SOFTWAREApache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)Name and version of server software.
SERVER_NAMEwww.geomaticien.comServer hostname, alias DNS, or IP adress.
SERVER_PROTOCOLHTTP/1.0Protocol and version.
SERVER_PORT80Server port.
REQUEST_METHODGETRequest method. For HTTP: "GET", "HEAD", "POST", etc.
PATH_INFO/index.phpCGI script could be acceeded by its virtual path, with extra informations after the path. Theses infos are in PATH_INFO.
PATH_TRANSLATED/flex/storage/ translated by server. Virtuals paths are mapped to real paths.
SCRIPT_NAME/fast-cgi-fake-php4Virtual path of current script.
QUERY_STRINGlang=en&NavTo=ordi/cgi/cgi_varWhat is it after ? in the script url.
REMOTE_HOSTClient name. If the server don't know, it should keep REMOTE_HOST unset and define REMOTE_ADDR.
REMOTE_ADDR18.97.9.168Client IP adress.
AUTH_TYPEAuthentification type, if the server support users authentification, and this script is protected (protocol dependant).
REMOTE_USERAuthentified user name
REMOTE_IDENTAuthentified user name, with server supporting RFC 931 authentification
CONTENT_TYPEReturned (by client) content type (by HTTP POST ou PUT).
CONTENT_LENGTHLength of theses datas.
HTTP_ACCEPTtext/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8MIME types supported by the client.
HTTP_USER_AGENTCCBot/2.0 ( browser