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Weather forecast
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   You can customize the weather forecast icon of the home page left frame ...

Current weather forecast: 38 - Grenoble (Isère - France)

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    You can customize the user interface ...

    About 1600 combinations are possible changing style and weather informations. If your browser can do that, and is setted for, it will ask you if you want to "accept a cookie". To remember your favorite style, GeoSurf must write a very short text file on your computer, a "cookie". It contain the line "GeoSurf[LookCss]=blue" when you choose, for example, the clair bleuté style. It will disappear automatically after one year. For more informations about cookies, see Netscape specifications for cookies.
    When you come here again, this cookie is read by a php script, which load your favorite style sheets (css - Cascading Style Sheet).